I had every intention of doing a monthly "goals update" post all through 2011, but as you can tell, that didn't happen. So here we are, right on the cusp of 2012 and I am going to take a quick look back at my 2011 goals and how I fared.
Healthy Mind/Body Goals
- Get out of the grocery store -- yep! I think I was pretty successful with this one. We did it by going to the farmer's market at least once a month (during the summer we were there almost every week) and we build raised beds for our veggie garden. The chicken coop we wanted to building didn't happen this summer, but it's on the list for next year!
- Read more often -- this is a yes and no. Yes because I have a ton to read for yoga teacher training, no because I haven't been real successful in reading novels or just reading for pleasure (not that YTT reading isn't for pleasure)
- Make more food items that I would normally buy -- check. See the make vs. buy comparison
Family First Goals
- Visit home more often -- we were on Maui in January and I got to see my mom in California (and here in CLE) in July. So I'd call that a win.
- Appreciate -- in the form of hand written cards to family: fail.
- Stay in touch -- I think I did a good job with this one. I even visited my extended family for the holidays!
Experience Life Goals
- Meet new people -- thanks to this lovely blog, I did awesome at this one.
- Explore photography -- I saved up and bought myself a dSLR that I'm in love with. My next challenge is actually using it more often.
- Travel, and stand on my head -- Maui, California, Chicago, Floyd, Jersey...I think I've done pretty good with this one! I didn't run a destination race though, saving that for next year.
Simply Goals
- Create more than consume -- we've done a lot of making rather than buying this year...and not just with food: scarves, legwarmers, doggie treats, my wedding dress. More to come on the DIY front, for sure!
- Don't buy clothing for one year -- fail on this. BUT for every piece of clothing that I did buy, I donated two. I thought that was a pretty brilliant way to keep my closet from overflowing with clutter.
- Get rid of "stuff" -- this was actually not my best effort either. I did go through all of my clothes and get rid of three or four bags worth of clothing, but I still have a ridiculous amount of "stuff" accumulated in my basement. I'll save it for spring cleaning in 2012.
Be Vulnerable Goals
- Speak up -- this is going to sound ridiculous, but I was so proud of myself for asking a question during our last YTT session. It's just not something I'm terribly comfortable with, speaking in front of a big group of people. Even though it was one simple question, I call that a big win.
- Make eye contact -- also something that can be very difficult for me, but I'm working on it every day. It's still a work in progress, but I'm practicing -- and that's half the battle!
So there you go, my 2011 goals recap. Not too shabby right? I'm not going to write any goals for 2012, because I feel like my year 26 bucket list pretty much covered the things I want to do this year. I do have a theme for the year though:
live with intention
If I can walk, talk, eat, breathe, live and love intention, then I'm totally on the right path for 2012.
I wish you all the best in the New Year and I'll see you folks on the flip side.